Mind Over Lather | Why YOGA!?
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Why YOGA!?

Why YOGA!?

Why Yoga?

Yoga is Everything! It’s a holistic practice. In Sanskrit, it translates to connect or to yoke. It’s connects you to something greater than yourself. I could go on and on and on about the perks of this practice. The intelligence behind linking breath to movement and the impact is profound! I tell everyone, the right yoga class can be the equivalent to a full body massage. The practice allows one to dig deep into all the nooks and crannies of the body to allow a sweet release. Letting go of stiffness in the shoulders, hips, all the joints, and even softening the skin on the face. The peaceful look you get out of yoga session beats botox anyday! The physical practice can be more anti-aging than a jar of LaMer. I’ve once heard a teacher, Tymi Howard, say that Yogis don’t need to smoke joints, we go to yoga and take a big hit off our hip joints instead to get high. It’s soooooo true! It’s why people float out of yoga studios, forget some of their belongings, and talk about that yoga “high”.

We are able to work out the negative energy out of the body through the physical asanas so that we can find a peaceful state of mind and being. Clearing out the mind through moving meditation allows one to draw a blank canvas. Creativity and positive energy grows from this space of sifting through the bull-shit of the mind’s crazy thoughts to get down to what really matters.

I LOVE hearing testimonials from people who just start yoga stating how they have personally transformed. Be it the softer edges or more mindful eating to being a nice colleague to a better parent.

Take an hour or more for yourself and let all these benefits soak into your being! And when you practice yoga, it’s not just for yourself. Your significant other, children, and community will benefit from your practice. Yoga is literally for everyone and it elevates!

I am so grateful for falling in love with this practice over 14 years ago thanks to Tammy Lyons at Innerbliss Yoga. I also wish I had yoga as a tool when I was younger and am very passionate about yoga for children. I can go on and on and on about this subject for children but I’ll save it for another day. You can find me at Toledo Yoga teaching Power, Restorative, and Toddler Yoga in addition to working on Mind Over Lather!

And while you are hitting the yoga mat, do so with a clean mat freshly wiped down with a Mind Over Lather yoga mat spray. Duh.

Let me know your thoughts, feedback, or favorite poses! Look forward to more blog posts dedicated to this subject too!


Short URL: http://bit.ly/2flvOMN
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